
Showing posts from July, 2021


 Good Mrng! Confident Guru’s. The Connection? Confidence = Money When you work on your confidence and begin to believe in yourself, you can become motivated to improve continuously and to challenge yourself. Once you do that, you can help to increase your income by using your motivation to go after what you want.--source internet.  *When someone assigned a task to take on, What needed?-Confidence . *When the teacher asked to solve the problem on the board, what was needed ?Confidence. *We have to make some decisions to reach our goals. What is needed ?-Confidence. *We have a chance to rule a company, what is needed? -Confidence. *We need to take on futuristic challenging projects, what is needed? -Confidence. We know that being confident is very very very important in life, whichever field it is..So that it makes us stand on the frontline in society. Now the question is how can we build 


 Good Mrng! Bright Souls! “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. Ignorance: If someone is fighting with their ego's (not only ego’s just fighting also)it is just because of ignorance. If someone is annoyed and worried about something  it is just because of ignorance. If someone is going bad in front of your eyes it is just because of ignorance. If someone is not being grateful to someone  it is just because of ignorance. if someone is not respectful  to someone this is just because of ignorance. . . Infinity… If we are not going in the right path it is just because of ignorance--we all are fortunate because all our mentors help us  to go in the right way. We might be aware of it or not.... There are 1000, 100000, cr's and Infinity ways to make money,  But, people in our surroundings might be poor,  this all just because of ignorance(they are not aware of those methods/ lack of interest in search


 Good mrng! Attitude ka Bapp’s!! Attitude and money.. For a greater understanding of the WORD ATTITUDE kindly go through the worthy video below this message, Which is Shared by our beloved mentor Shailaja ma'am once. Are we thinking that Talent is needed to reach a specific goal which we have fixed ourselves ? Are we thinking that a specific kind of ability should be  inbuilted within us to  achieve those  goals ?? The answers for those Absolutely No, No No....They all  are secondary. One and only one is needed for success ( means to reach bigger goals) and it is "ATTITUDE". Your attitude brings whatever you want in life, regardless if you don't possess  those qualities , The Attitude itself earns whatever is required for the rest may be (talent , ability etc..) Did we count how many times we have listened to this... I think we would probably have been listening to it more than 100 times since  our childhood. The one and only the difference between the class toppers a

Money -Emotional Well being.

 Good Mrng!! Emotional Well bee’s Money and Emotional well being. Emotional well being....(One of the Google definition) Emotional well-being has been defined as an overall positive state of one's emotions, life satisfaction, sense of meaning and purpose, and ability to pursue self-defined goals. Elements of emotional well-being include a sense of balance in emotion, thoughts, social relationships, and pursuits. I think we all felt depressed when some put  us down. I think we all have witnessed fighting with others  out of ignorance. I think we all  made faulty designs when someone's bloody actions were shown upon us. I think we all worried for a long time when someone made a curse upon us. I think we all made ourselves put down when we did wrong. Do You Know What! Emotional well being is recognized as a problem and weakness  of a person  in society  and few of them created a course for teaching emotional well being . Many people are joining the course just  by paying huge amou

Money- Procrastination.

 Good Mrng !! Challenging Players!! Procrastination and Money. #Everyone is the 100%  Right Person in the world, to talk on Procrastination as None get away from its consequence, ( probably yes, maybe  at least a few times in their lifetime). I hope you betterley experienced the bad dead evil called Procrastination and as of Young burning bloods . *The effect of procrastination made us realize how we badly miss using time. *The effect of procrastination made us realize how much of a burden it would be for our further goals. *The effect of procrastination made us realize we need to complete the task on due date as much as possible. *The effect of procrastination made us realize the need to be better for the next for sure. *The effect of procrastination made us realise we need to completely get rid of distraction and just be only on the track of finishing. *The effect of procrastination made us realise  next onwards  I will make sure that I complete the daily  tasks on that day itself. I

Money- Proud

 Good mrng!! Skill Achievers.  Proud /Pride .--Money. Actually we can look at the proud in Both the angle +Ve /-Ve Let's come across how over-proud nature in person makes a difference in others.. #If our mother asks to buy a daily commodity and gives you money.You agreed, now you have two stores at the same distance from your home but in different directions  to purchase the  same commodity. You are aware of the salesman's  behaviour  of both the stores with Proud percentages  in prior. The next action of Yours will definitely go to the salesperson who has a lower percentage of ‘proud ‘ without  having a  second  thought. Right?? No, no no.. I only buy in big supermarkets or else smartly online. Then we can take another simple example.. In our own class, When teacher taught a big sum, we didn't  understand the sum and were a bit confused with the method. Now our goal to get a big clarity on the sum.And  have only  two  options, as two in class only understood the big sum in

Annoying And Money

 Good mrng!!  Happy Legends .!! Today, Let's understand how being annoyed  will damage our own wealth. Have you ever experienced how our anger  leads to forgetting our own responsibilities? Have you ever experienced how being annoyed loosens our energy? have you ever experienced   how being annoyed made you dumb. Have you ever experienced how being annoyed made you nervous? Have you ever experienced how being annoyed made you unhappy Have you ever experienced being annoyed,  brought to a  war ? How you ever experienced being annoyed made you lose your basic common sense. When we earn money using time, logic.. etc (using many factors). But what if the same money is ruined in front of our eyes, does it make us feel happy ? Probably,No. So, the important point is that the security and safety issues need to be taken  care of in a respectful manner. Actually if money gets lost,  to the simple logic our time also - wiped out in parallel- as we spend huge time in prior to earn  #We are no

Respect -Money

 Good mrng!! To my beloved Respected - Star's! Respecting !- Money. Have you ever experienced a kind  of bliss when people who had respected you without having any prior introduction/ relationship with him/her. Have ever showered with at least a bit happier when you receive good morning and good evening messages from others. #  Google definition for respect : a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. Respecting others: In other simple terms- if you don't hurt someone with your action is also being respectful. #Being respectful has huge importance. If we respect only the people  recognizing us. If we respect it shows how humble  we are. If we respect it shows how affectionate we are. If we respect it shows how kind  we are . If we respect it shows how thankful we are. If we respect it shows how caring we are. If we respect it shows how simple- huge heart person we are. If we respect it shows how empathetic we a

Patience and Money.

 Good mrng!! Patience Champions! ##Patience## You all are very much experienced, how your patience bought you many accomplishments for you. Even though there are many tough times in your journey, being  patient brought you success . Everyone in their life journey has experienced the fruits of the tree called patience . Patience is a lot important in creating money. Let me tell you a small story of an LIC agent and Rich person Called Rockefeller, I learned this story from Youtube . Rockefeller is a very Rich person and he doesn't like his wife and pararalley his wife also doesn't like him. They always used to fight .(ela ante vallidharmadhyana pachi 'gadi' veste baggu-mantadhi). So Rockefeller decides that even after I die, My wife should experience the pleasure of my wealth which I have achieved till now. Again, he doesn't want any LIC agents to come to his home for any insurance policy. He also says to the security won't allow any agent to my Home as I'm no

Friendship and Money

 Good Mrng !! Kushi Dosthans. Friendship and money Hope you all are pretty much aware how friendships will make your own life beautiful, happier , joyful and cheerful.  Having at least a few friends is always a boon to every entity.  When we look  back at our life after a certain period of age the most colorful movements would be the time which we spent with our friends.   *Need to make  sure that money  need not to be a problem , for any friendship as Good friend is lot more important , because he/she  helps us in our difficulties and we have our great choice to share our experiences , thoughts, ideas ..etc with them. Thus do  a kind activity ,  write your  thoughts on a paper using  your heart , So that  money should not disturb friendship anyway.    How friendships create money.. See when we don't understand the very broad terms we make Google search, We probably get more clarity on that broad term, when we refer some 'n' number of websites because everyone explains in h

Time and Money.

 Good mrng!! Time creators!! Importance of time: It is the well known  fact that Time is more precious than money, coz if we loose our money we can get back using our talent(money is the medium between everyone, and it's not the thing to get lost, as everyone  have equal importance in earning it..) but in case of time once passed off, as a human we  anymore don't have power to get it back. An example:   There are two trains which travel daily between the two towns . Towns  are part of a hundred kilometres . One is passenger train (A) and the other  is the  Express train (B). Travel ticket in A is 10 rupees and in B it is fifty rupees . The Train A has poor seating facilities, no proper wash rooms , won't arrive on time to the station and takes three to four hours journey from one town to another.  When we come to Train B  obviously the ticket is more and the facilities will be good , it comes on time and reaches the same destination in one hour . In the above case we should

A Story.

An epic story   Story of my Grandfather.. : M.Balaramaiah Shetty. ..      He is the grandson of a Zamindar,  (Makthal   Taluk, Raichur district, Telangana state), who had 100s of acres of land, kilograms of gold, and also many businesses. The Zamindar could provide loans to neighbouring small kings (Dhoras). At that time, the Nizams were ruling in Telangana. .. The zamindar had only one son who was born after several years of his marriage. When his son was eight years old, the Zamindar passed away. As his son was too young, their closest relatives planned and cheated him to loot all the property, money and gold what the young boy had. And finally they did it. The Zamindar’s wife was unable to fight with them, and did nothing. Finally, his wife and son were left with only a house and seven acres of land. They gave this bit of land to a tenant, so that he will be offering part of the yield to them. The Zamindar’s son almost led his life like a king's son for twenty years, then he got