Money -Emotional Well being.

 Good Mrng!! Emotional Well bee’s

Money and Emotional well being.

Emotional well being....(One of the Google definition)

Emotional well-being has been defined as an overall positive state of one's emotions, life satisfaction, sense of meaning and purpose, and ability to pursue self-defined goals. Elements of emotional well-being include a sense of balance in emotion, thoughts, social relationships, and pursuits.

I think we all felt depressed when some put  us down.

I think we all have witnessed fighting with others  out of ignorance.

I think we all  made faulty designs when someone's bloody actions were shown upon us.

I think we all worried for a long time when someone made a curse upon us.

I think we all made ourselves put down when we did wrong.

Do You Know What!

Emotional well being is recognized as a problem and weakness  of a person  in society  and few of them created a course for teaching emotional well being . Many people are joining the course just  by paying huge amounts.

(We can clearly understand  that, Identifying the problem around Ourselves, Started making money out of it).

Emotional Well being and Money.

*See,  many days we have  experienced not well in the past worrying about something( maybe the teacher blamed us without understanding us) until someone motivates us ( where our inner  emotions need to match the motivation). This way we are suppressed for a longer time just by ignoring our goals / what we need to do , which are very crucial.

*When we do wrong we put ourselves down ourselves , we only waste our time by only thinking I Did wrong , but it is not  at all worthy as  thinking up action which is already done which takes out good energy. It is always better to think what best I can do now which gives us energy.

*The well known fact--- Every problem, every worry and  every small internal battle or external battle happens just because of ignorance (lack of knowledge /lack of strong motivation inside out). Better to be positive all the time with whatever the trouble encountering us.

*Always try to stay as little with the people who don't like us , who criticize us,  who don't support our actions, who never encourage us .

Because most of our minds only think of them by ignoring the good people around us.

Being emotionally balanced is prime,

So,  consider staying Tuned to our own Niveditha's Obsession Meets and Chat Messages.or else You might be paying Lakhs and crores rupees to Niveditha Like people to learn the course. Better Save those lakhs and crores by now this way you create more time  to learn more.

Sorry Niveditha, for not promoting customers to you.Just leave this 39 Thop Money talks stars and Pls consider remaining 700cr people to make money.

Yes Stay proud of Yourself for how well you are now.

#We should be driven by Goals, not by Ego's.

Thank YOU.


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