
 Good Mrng! Bright Souls!

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.


If someone is fighting with their ego's (not only ego’s just fighting also)it is just because of ignorance.

If someone is annoyed and worried about something  it is just because of ignorance.

If someone is going bad in front of your eyes it is just because of ignorance.

If someone is not being grateful to someone  it is just because of ignorance.

if someone is not respectful  to someone this is just because of ignorance.




If we are not going in the right path it is just because of ignorance--we all are fortunate because all our mentors help us  to go in the right way.

We might be aware of it or not.... There are 1000, 100000, cr's and Infinity ways to make money,  But, people in our surroundings might be poor,  this all just because of ignorance(they are not aware of those methods/ lack of interest in searching for those methods.)

If we more strongly come out of this darkness of ignorance , then we can create bright divine money.The more and more we acquire knowledge, then there will be more and more opportunities to make money.

We need to believe that we can also create a lot of money, because when we look at great Billionaires (Mukesh Ambani, Bill Gates, etc)they are making a lot of money.. means they are using some methods, techniques, models, strategies to make more money. If we also  learn those or create our own methods and strategies we can also make Big big money.

My mentor Prakash  only says : Money is only the Byproduct and your duty is to acquire knowledge as much as possible.

So, We need to keep on adding knowledge  to shine like a knife -edge and also for escaping from the "maya" of ignorance.

Take a chance to express more  about “ ignorance”  So that we all will be delighted with knowledge togetherly. 

# We need to be Driven by Goals, Not by Ego's.

Thank YOU.


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