Money- Procrastination.

 Good Mrng !! Challenging Players!!

Procrastination and Money.

#Everyone is the 100%  Right Person in the world, to talk on Procrastination as None get away from its consequence, ( probably yes, maybe  at least a few times in their lifetime).

I hope you betterley experienced the bad dead evil called Procrastination and as of Young burning bloods .

*The effect of procrastination made us realize how we badly miss using time.

*The effect of procrastination made us realize how much of a burden it would be for our further goals.

*The effect of procrastination made us realize we need to complete the task on due date as much as possible.

*The effect of procrastination made us realize the need to be better for the next for sure.

*The effect of procrastination made us realise we need to completely get rid of distraction and just be only on the track of finishing.

*The effect of procrastination made us realise  next onwards  I will make sure that I complete the daily  tasks on that day itself.

I have read a news article on procrastination once. In that they mention Even Great Billionaires like Bill Gates found it very hard in his Young age to escape from Procrastination, and then they followed a few tips to overcome it.

#Few times we can also find reasons why Procrastination is also good for us.

Like, We would be working extremely well at the last minute.

We would strictly abide the distraction and only focus more on the action that needs to wind up.

Hence, it is always better to stay positive with Procrastination for now and keep on improving ourselves to escape the effects of procrastination.

We can  relate money and procrastination. Here in case of procrastination also the TIME is only the crucial factor we need to look at. When we procrastinate our work absolutely more or less we are spending more time achieving our same work.

*When we procrastinate many tasks, we clearly sense that:

Our mind is made to remind us of our upcoming work while doing certain tasks.

This way properly won't focus on the present and will worry about the future tasks.

*Procrastination generates a certain kind of fear, what would be the bad consequence we are going to encounter. So, Fear comes to lose effectiveness.

*It also creates a sense of having a big Sac upon your own head, the weight of it doesn't make you feel happy, No happiness probably we don't do the task faster.

*Procrastination at work will bring us to the attitude of Give Up on tasks.

Then we even lose consciousness on the  task and forget about the effort, time  and energy we put in.

*Procrastination will decrease the hope in ourselves, that wouldn't happen as we are suppressed not  to take on the upcoming challenges.

One of the Great Saint Kabir says, (You all listened and read couple of times too)

काल करे सो आज कर, आज करे सो अब ।

पल में प्रलय होयेगी, बहुरि करेगा कब।

कल जो करने वाले हो आज करो, आज जो करने वाले हो वो अभी,

         पल भर में ही प्रलय  हो जायेगी , फिर कभी पूरा नहीं कर पाओगे.

Meaning:- Tomorrow's work do today, Today work now,

                if you keep waiting, job will be done how.

So, Let’s  be emotionally strong and balanced with our mindset for procrastination and  also take small and small steps to overcome procrastination.

No more Procrastinations .

Express Yourself.

# We should be driven by Goals, Not by Ego's.

Thank YOU.


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