Annoying And Money

 Good mrng!!  Happy Legends .!!

Today, Let's understand how being annoyed  will damage our own wealth.

Have you ever experienced how our anger  leads to forgetting our own responsibilities?

Have you ever experienced how being annoyed loosens our energy?

have you ever experienced   how being annoyed made you dumb.

Have you ever experienced how being annoyed made you nervous?

Have you ever experienced how being annoyed made you unhappy

Have you ever experienced being annoyed,  brought to a  war ?

How you ever experienced being annoyed made you lose your basic common sense.

When we earn money using time, logic.. etc (using many factors). But what if the same money is ruined in front of our eyes, does it make us feel happy ? Probably,No. So, the important point is that the security and safety issues need to be taken  care of in a respectful manner. Actually if money gets lost,  to the simple logic our time also - wiped out in parallel- as we spend huge time in prior to earn 

#We are not supposed to show our  actions on breaking objets, in being irate..(in our childhood we often do it, but then it is out of illiterate ignorance) as of now, this may get wiped off our own money , our mind  even gets  more disorder and

it might disturb our routine cycle of doing activities  in a day .

' And when money is ripped from our hands, sometimes accidentally or due to our own stupidity, it hurts like a thumb slammed in a door or a spiked volleyball in the face.' Source internet   

#I have heard this from a great person..' 95% of prisoners say that the major cause for being in jail today is due to being annoyed  for one little  movement. according to a survey.'

#Being annoyed is not at all helping to reach our own goal anyway. We have to strongly question ourselves why we should be annoyed. It doesn't make  0.1% sense .

*If the goal is to be irate then no issue.

తన కోపమె తన శత్రువు,

తన శాంతమె తనకు రక్ష, దయ చుట్టంబౌ

తన సంతోషమె స్వర్గము,

తన దుఃఖమె నరక మండ్రు తథ్యము సుమతి!

భావం: తన కోపమే తనను శత్రువులువలె బాధించును. తన శాంతమే తనను రక్షించును. తన దయయే తనకు చుట్టమువలె సహాయపడును. తన ఆనందమే తనకు ఇంద్రలోక సౌఖ్యము. తన దుఖమే తనకు నరకమగును. ఇది నిజము.

In  being annoyed literally, our mind won't work fast and accurately, this way our own time gets evaporated without any prior  intimation.

So, forgive everyone  kindly, ( probably we don’t lose anything by forgiving) and just concentrate on the beauty part of every creature and be happy.

#We should be driven by Goals, not by Ego's.

Thank YOU.


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