Patience and Money.

 Good mrng!! Patience Champions!


You all are very much experienced, how your patience bought you many accomplishments for you. Even though there are many tough times in your journey, being  patient brought you success .

Everyone in their life journey has experienced the fruits of the tree called patience .

Patience is a lot important in creating money.

Let me tell you a small story of an LIC agent and Rich person Called Rockefeller, I learned this story from Youtube .

Rockefeller is a very Rich person and he doesn't like his wife and pararalley his wife also doesn't like him. They always used to fight .(ela ante vallidharmadhyana pachi 'gadi' veste baggu-mantadhi). So Rockefeller decides that even after I die, My wife should experience the pleasure of my wealth which I have achieved till now. Again, he doesn't want any LIC agents to come to his home for any insurance policy.

He also says to the security won't allow any agent to my Home as I'm not willing to talk to those agents.

After a couple of more days, the wife of Rockefeller brought the coffee to him one fine morning and  also smiled while looking at him. As a consequence, Rockefeller felt happier and blissed and casually he went off office and came back to his home in the evening.

He saw an LIC already in the home. So, Rockefeller had  a nice conversation  with him and also the LIC agent explained briefly about the policies and how important they are.

The next movement  Rockefeller  made a million dollar cheque note and given to the LIC agent , then Rockefeller says your very very lucky to come my home today i'm in good mood as my wife smiled at me in the morning and the next reason for you to get that cheque I have replaced other security Yesterday he doesn't know rules whom he need to allow , so he allowed him  to my home, to the fact I have ignored to allow 162 agents who came to my home still now.

Then the agent folds the given cheque kept in his pocket and  says, to the fact the whole 162, who came to your home is Me only .

#We can clearly understand from the story if the agent lost his patient in the middle  might be didn't that cheque .

He believed that good days are very  near to come.

We can also look at our Thop Ecell journey. We improved enormously when compared to the starting days of Ecell. Our Shravan Sir played a key role in making this happen.

He forgives our 1000's of all our mistakes and just moved on the belief that good days are nearer to come.  We can clearly see every time he bounces back with humble huge patience.

Hope you all know the one common reason behind every success story is "patience ".

So it applies in case of money too, patience helps a lot in getting money.

When looking at stock markets, the people who earned money through it are because of patience.

The great Warren Buffett didn't become super rich  just after investing his money into the stock market; he waited like anything and has been  patient for long and long years.

In general senario the people with great patience will achieve and gain more, to that a simple understanding if someone placed a Youtube video to watch in a Whatapp group, the recipients who have watched the entire video with patience  will automatically be benefited and gain more some way or the other.

So be patient every time and believe that good days are nearer to come.

# We should be driven By Goals, not by our ego's.

Thank You.


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