
 Good mrng! Attitude ka Bapp’s!!

Attitude and money..

For a greater understanding of the WORD ATTITUDE kindly go through the worthy video below this message, Which is Shared by our beloved mentor Shailaja ma'am once.

Are we thinking that Talent is needed to reach a specific goal which we have fixed ourselves ? Are we thinking that a specific kind of ability should be  inbuilted within us to  achieve those  goals ??

The answers for those Absolutely No, No No....They all  are secondary.

One and only one is needed for success ( means to reach bigger goals) and it is "ATTITUDE".

Your attitude brings whatever you want in life, regardless if you don't possess  those qualities , The Attitude itself earns whatever is required for the rest may be (talent , ability etc..)

Did we count how many times we have listened to this... I think we would probably have been listening to it more than 100 times since  our childhood.

The one and only the difference between the class toppers and average grade getting guys is   "ATTITUDE", the teacher, for a class topper and for person who scored less in the class has given same teaching, given same material and also explained the doubts for both of them equally but they are only differ in ATTITUDE, it means the way respond to teacher, the way they received the lecture, the way they showed attention towards the class, the way they showed concerned two wards the exams and Homeworks sincerely.

Hope we  all very much  aware of, the qualities which we have bought into our life (like talent, ability) will  be no more with us, they are going to be ruined away or they don't effectively work,when the certain particular time need  to execute, if and only if we have lost the character of ATTITUDE.

We are familiar with the lesson ATTITUDE OF ALTITUDE in our 10 th standard. It seems the one more shows a bigger attitude, with the way of their living, they reach  great heights.

So, Attitude towards everything is principal to get big successes . it applies the same bigger attitude is needed to earn bigger money.

(To the fact-- for every top and top successful entity ( it may be a celebrity, it may be 1000Ph's achieved scientist). The reason behind their achievements is ATTITUDE.

# We should be driven by Goals, Not by ego's.

Hove a wonderful day.

Thank YOU.


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