Hello..Thopies ..A Thop Good morning to all.

Your the richer ENTITY, than you believe. Yess, Your are!!

Right form the childhood, we we are unknowingly taught of money, one thing we needed to believe that lot more thoughts and insights, we all have regarding money.
As Ultimately, It is Team.
I'm going to learn all the insights of money Which already existed in you.
The same way you all will be doing with team!!

Let us interact, how smartly we can deal with money.
#Money is thing which, everyone really worry about it as of now, Right.
If we are aware and have a Thop mindset, in dealing with it, Probably we are in Top less than 1% people, not going to worry about money.

Let's ..........
*Learn , how to be Thop smart of earning money, by collaborating.
*Learn how can we, Thoply , inculcate the rich mindset .
*Learn how to differentiate Thop, investment and bad investment
*Learn how to be Thoply obsessive to think and ways to create about money
"Financial Independence is the obsession that drives me." or "Creating a moneyless society is the obsession that drives me". [Acknowledging - Shravan Sir .]

.Hope in this Route, we can create Thop, revolutionary change how Thoply we can be different in aspects of money.
And also, I hope you all are excited to look the money concept in the next level.
#As we all believe discussions make Thop miracles happen, why should we stop discussing ?We never!!
So, this (10-06-2021) Friday 7: 00 pm, we are going to have our first talk,
( this talk is all about, you can express whatever you want on money, And then we can have the ideation session on Creating a Thop Money course for the Upcoming generations, As we believe that Money should be taught, at a very Younger Age. )

Hope you all attend the meet, carrying unbounded thoughts with a Thop enthusiasm and excitement.
I Thoply, welcome you all to join Group " THOP MONEY TALKS".

and Finally I conclude, let us be Thop bold enough to discuss, talk and think About money.
Thop Learning!!
Thop Thank you!!


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