
Showing posts from June, 2021
Hello, hidden Richies,  jewels, diamonds, pearls..... Thank you a Rich, for your diversified compliments...( very pleased). Today, let us get some clarity on the rich mindset .   First fall  let's strongly question ourselves, What  does actually rich mindset mean ????????? If you don't have the response  in mind, then we can go  for the resource (Google, friend..etc.) #Here itself we can figure  it out that,  our mind gives the faster response than the Google Aunt, if we  believe that we are just aware of it, what we do is usually as soon as the question a raised in the brain,   we  start looking for the friend  who tell  the quick answer. In this way we actually lose ourselves and our time .   Believe it or not  our brain can give faster response than Google. So, as a rich mindset, first one should strongly question his/her self for the answer . Then look for other possibilities. Let me give another example, If your searching for an x information in YOUTUBE , If you found two
 Thank a big , big , big... for all considering and joining the for the beautiful journey.   I want to say small story for you. Once there is  very beauty little house, in the far Outskirts of the x city, where a Gentle lady  with is boy is living. At the very younger age the boy is suffering from the cancer. The lady who loved his son very much have no money for admitting him to the hospital for curing the disease. Actually it cost very very very big amounts to cure.  But, what she is doing everyday is, She hoping that, he is going to heal soon in some way other. She caring him best way or the other, by following small remedies. She is very obsessive that, he is going to cure and will lead a happily life.. ..As  days passed,  the boy situation is becoming worse , but she is never lost hope and believe  that  he definitely going to cure and parallely tracking the work in her way. On, one little day there is huge thunderstorm in the city,  at this particular movement  a helicopter which
  Hello..Thopies ..A Thop Good morning to all. Your the richer ENTITY, than you believe. Yess, Your are!! ----------------------- Right form the childhood, we we are unknowingly taught of money, one thing we needed to believe that lot more thoughts and insights, we all have regarding money. .. As Ultimately, It is Team. I'm going to learn all the insights of money Which already existed in you. The same way you all will be doing with team!! Let us interact, how smartly we can deal with money. #Money is thing which, everyone really worry about it as of now, Right. If we are aware and have a Thop mindset, in dealing with it, Probably we are in Top less than 1% people, not going to worry about money. .. =================================================== Let's .......... *Learn , how to be Thop smart of earning money, by collaborating. *Learn how can we, Thoply , inculcate the rich mindset . *Learn how to differentiate Thop, investment and bad investment *Learn how to be Tho